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Catacloisite AKA Cataclasite

Catacloisite AKA Cataclasite

Catacloisite   **This is an online only stone**

AKA Cataclasite

  • A comglomerate caused by meteoric impact which happened millions of years ago in an area we now call Botswana
  • A stone of transformation
  • Can assist in helping the body's own healing system
  • Helps us to see and understand that change is always necessary
  • Can provide strength and courage to get us through that change, by helping us to find the "stronger us" within 
  • Provides a sense of peace with our inner self
  • Can ease the inner tension of always having to be in control
  • Gives a sense of balance and proportion
  • Helps us to see the whole picture

From Botswana



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